The 2nd International Workshop Towards Security Solutions against Organized Cyber-Crime and Terrorist Networks (TAKEDOWN 2017)
to be held in conjunction with the ARES EU Projects Symposium 2017, held at ARES 2017
(ARES 2017 –
August 29 – September 1, 2017, Reggio Calabria, Italy
ARES EU Projects Symposium: August 29, 2017
Organized crime (OC) and terrorist networks (TN) are major threats for the European Union and its population. On the one hand, the number and value of assets confiscated from organized crime are more and more increasing in Europe, which indicates its rise in Europe and its challenge of the legal economy or tax base of many nation states. On the other hand, Europe is facing an increasing number of individuals, who are recruited as foreign fighters or for terrorist attacks within Europe. In addition, the direct implications, an atmosphere of fear is created. Additionally, the economic costs for prevention and fighting OC and TN are increasing. This is particularly relevant in times of austerity measures, when the reduction of integration programs and support of marginalized groups is increasing the boundaries between the milieus. Even in allegedly “egalitarian” societies, the entrenchment within societies is increasing and producing classes of “left-behinds” with no chance for upwards social mobility. And it is often young people with no future perspectives, who are at risk of becoming engaged in criminal organizations or in terrorist networks. It is the combination of these challenges and respective policies, which are ultimately challenging social cohesion in Europe. Towards such field is devoted TAKEDOWN, a European Research project, where 18 European partners (ranging from Academy, Industry and Law Enforcement Agency) aims to analyse and get a deeper knowledge on OC and TN, in order to advance the State-of-the-art and providing more effective digital and non-digital solutions for first line practitioners, law enforcement agencies and policy makers.
More info about the EU Horizon 2020 TAKEDOWN Research Project are available online at:
invited speakers
Wojciech Mazurczyk
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Challenges of network steganography detection
Christian Schlehube
Deutsche Bahn (DB)
Protection of safety-relevant Critical Infrastructures: How cyber-crime can influence our everyday life and what we (can) do against it
Mathias Fischer
Universität Hamburg, Germany
Collaborative Security Monitoring
Aim of the TAKEDOWN Workshop
PART 1 : This part of the workshop aims at promoting the current activities carried out in the context of the TAKEDOWN Research Project highlighting:
- Main Objectives of the TAKEDOWN Project;
- Discussing about Basic Research and State of the Art;
- Presenting results gathered from the Empirical Research.
PART 2 : This part of the workshop wants to be an open and interactive discussion among the attendees. In particular, it aims at (i) bringing together Experts, Solution Providers and Professionals, in different fields of Security; (ii) promoting/disseminating existing tools in terms of digital and non-digital solutions (ranging from models, methods, methodologies, approaches, technologies and services) and discussing their possible involvement against OC and TN; as well as (iii) discussing and evaluating their societal and ethical impact and related issues.
Each attendee is free to propose a topic and present it. A list of possible themes (but not limited to that) is below reported:
- Malicious behaviour detection / rule-based detection
- Data Analytics / Anti-money laundering
- Boarder security, Video surveillance
- Monitoring / Tracking System
- Semantic technologies, Smart Data
- Face/Speech recognition systems
- Prevention approaches
- Data protection
- Dark-net Analysis
- Terrorism Emergency Management Systems
- Cybercrime Internet Forensics
- White collar terrorism
- New regulatory and governance models
- On-line radicalization and extremism
- Human trafficking / Smuggling of narcotics and firearms across borders
- Gang Criminality / Syndicate Crime / Racketeering
- and so on.
Benefits for the Participant
- Get know about the H2020 European Research Project – TAKEDOWN.
- Discussion
- Each participant will be sponsored on the TAKEDOWN website as well as on the TAKEDOWN Solution platform as contributor.
- Possible involvement in the TAKEDOWN project (e.g. buying the software, buying licenses, etc.).
Participants Guidelines
Each attendee is free to promote his/her own research activities as well as to and discuss existing Security solutions possibly employable against Organized Crime, Cyber-crime and Terrorist Networks. I would like to kindly ask you, to express your willingness to attend the workshop by sending an email to
Please feel free to contact me should you need any further information.
Workshop Chair
Dr. Andrea Tundis
Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUDA)