SC-SRA 2017

International Workshop on Supply Chain Security, Resilience and Accountability

to be held in conjunction with the ARES EU Projects Symposium 2017, held at ARES 2017
(ARES 2017 – )

August 29 – September 1, 2017, Reggio Calabria, Italy
ARES EU Projects Symposium: August 29, 2017



Multidimensional, IntegraTed, rIsk assessment framework and dynamic, collaborative Risk ManaGement tools for critical information infrAstrucTurEs

Critical Infrastructures (CIs) become smarter and are not only heavily dependent on Information and Communication Technologies ICT (e.g. IoT, cloud technologies, telecommunications, ICS), but are also interconnected in order to provide complex supply chain services (e.g. container/cargo management). This is very prominent in the case of transportation, energy and health. For example smart port infrastructures, interconnect with port authorities, ministries, maritime companies, ship industries, customs agencies, maritime/ insurance companies, other transport CIs (e.g. airports), people, processes, services, products, and more. New risk assessment and security management tools as well as advanced security, forensics and investigation services and tools are required in order to ensure the resilience and protection of the current and (even smarter) future interconnected Critical Infrastructures.


In the modern era, Supply Chains (SCs) are the blood veins of global trade and economy where cross border Critical Infrastructures (CI), (e.g. ports, maritime authorities airports, railways, energy providers, banks, maritime/logistic/transport companies) interconnect in offering critical complex services. However, in order to operate efficiently and effectively, these services increasingly depend on highly valuable interconnected cyber assets and components, thus becoming more vulnerable to the activities of hackers and other perpetrators. Thus, there is an urgent pressing challenge to develop advance security solutions and services that can deal with cascading effects, risks, complex threats and vulnerabilities of the interconnected SCs‘ physical/cyber systems.The workshop covers all aspects of security, resilience and accountability of national and global Supply Chains and interconnected Smart Critical Infrastructures; it aims to bring together experts from academia, government and industry to present advanced solutions and tools, analyze present research trends and participate in interactive discussions.

List of project partners that will participate in the workshop:

INvited presentations
The workshop will include a series of expert invited presentations as well as a roundtable discussion
on topics related to:
  • Cyber -Physical Systems Security
  • Supply Chain Security
  • Supply Chain Resilience and Accountability
  • Risk Assessment Methodologies
  • Threat modeling
  • Security in Cyber-Physical Systems (SCADA)
  • Maritime Security Modelling
The invited speakers will submit a three page extended abstract of their presentations which will
be made available to all the workshop participants.
Workshop Chair

Prof. Christos Douligeris
University of Piraeus, UNIPI, Piraeus, Greece
Dr. Spyridon Papastergiou University of Piraeus Research Center, UPRC, Piraeus, Greece
Dr. Ralf Fiedler Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services, Hamburg, Germany
Prof. Haris Mouratidis University of Brighton Brighton, UK
Dr. Stefan Schauer AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Vienna, Austria
Dr. Panagiotis Gouvas SingularLogic Athens, Hellas