
The online registration is available here .

The following fees are valid for the ARES conference:

At least one author (of an accepted paper) has to pay the regular registration (please register before June 12 – extended to – June 20 , 2017).

Regular Registration (ARES 2017 & CD-MAKE 2017) EUR 500
Early-Bird Registration for non-authors (ends on July 02, 2017) EUR 500
Late registration EUR 600
Additional paper EUR 150 (per paper)
Additional social events ticket* EUR 100
Student registration EUR 150
ARES EU Projects Symposium 1-Day ticket (non-authors)** EUR 170
ARES EU Projects Symposium 2-Day ticket (non-authors)*** EUR 230

*The additional social events ticket includes the Welcome Reception on Tuesday and the Conference Dinner on Wednesday.
**The ARES EU Projects Symposium 1-Day Ticket includes the entrance to all symposium and ARES sessions / coffee breaks / lunch / Welcome Reception on Tuesday, August 29, 2017.
****The ARES EU Projects Symposium 2-Day Ticketincludes the entrance to all symposium and ARES sessions, coffee breaks and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as the Welcome Reception on Tuesday, August 29, 2017.

Please note:

At least one author (of an accepted paper) has to pay the regular registration (please register before June 20, 2017):

The registration fee includes one paper, each additional paper is EUR 150.
The registration fee includes the entrance to all ARES conference and workshop sessions and the social events.
The registration fee includes the lunch during the conference (Tue- Fr).
The registration fee does not include the accommodation. Accommodation recommendations will be provided here.
Cancellation Fee: EUR 50 (No cancellation will be allowed after August 06, 2017). Substitution is welcome.

Students have to show a valid student ID at the conference site:

The student registration does not include a paper. At least one author of an accepted paper has to register as author, whether the author is a student or not.
The student registration fee includes the entrance to all ARES conference and workshop sessions as well as tutorials (but not the social events).
The registration fee includes the lunch during the conference (Tue- Fr).
The registration fee does not include the accommodation. Accommodation recommendations will be provided.